Jelle Zijlstra

The Python Typing Council

I recently proposed PEP 729, which created a Typing Council to govern the Python type system, and now that the PEP has been accepted, I am one of the inaugural members of the Council. I am writing this document to gather some of my own thoughts on how I’ll make decisions while I’m on the Council. My aim here is to set expectations for people who want to submit issues to the Council.

Note that these are my personal thoughts, and other members of the Council may not agree.

Spec changes

Many of the decisions the Council will have to make will be around spec changes. In fact, this is among the main reasons I proposed the Council: we often find ourselves in broad agreement that something should change, but there was no good way to codify that agreement.

We need to be careful about spec changes, because if the spec diverges from what type checkers actually do, the spec loses its usefulness.

Here are some points I will look for when evaluating proposed changes to the spec:

All proposed spec changes should be accompanied by changes to the conformance test suite (once it exists).


The Council’s mandate contains three parts, and one of them is that the type system should be stable. That’s important because typing is now an important tool for many real-world Python users, and we want their code to continue working. For example, if library authors release a library that exposes types using semantics specified in the PEPs or now in the typing spec, they should reasonably expect that type checkers in the future will interpret those semantics the same as they do now.

Backwards compatibility is very important (and often controversial) to the Python community. We went through a huge compatibility break a few years ago with the move from Python 2 to 3, and I think it’s widely agreed that transition was not handled well—though ultimately it definitely led us to a better language.

However, CPython’s backwards compatibility rules cannot be applied directly to the type system. The type system does not have a release cycle as such. Type checkers release much more frequently than the interpreter does, and inevitably many of the changes they make break compatibility in the sense that they introduce new errors or change inferred types. Still, we should be very hesitant to mandate changes to established semantics, especially for constructs that have gone through the PEP process.

To be clear, the standard backwards compatibility rules do fully apply to the runtime objects exported by the typing module, and I would hold the typing_extensions module to the same standard. In other words, I would consider approving a change that tweaks what TypeGuard[] means to a type checker, but any change that affects runtime execution (such as removing typing.TypeGuard) would need to go through a cycle of raising DeprecationWaring.


One of the Council’s jobs will be to decide on PEPs. Some of the factors I’ll personally look at when making such decisions will be: